What Your Eye Contact Says About You

As the famous proverb goes, the eyes are the window to the soul. We feel the truth in this statement whenever we look into the eyes of another and emotionally connect to their passions, intentions, loves and fears. There is a sense of exposure when we gaze into the eyes of another, as if we are standing naked in front of them, confronted with our vulnerability. Like the picture that says a thousand words, our eyes are able to express our entire emotional palate and reveal our true inner state.

In a world full of disconnected and non-confrontational means of communication, the ability to hold strong eye contact with another person is one of the most important and yet overlooked social skills. This is tragic as it is the most powerful of all our nonverbal communication elements (which make up more than half of the messages we are sending) and how most people reveal their attraction towards one another. Here we’ll explore a three-part discussion on eye contact, specifically how it is used in our everyday interpersonal interactions, in creating attraction, and in developing greater intimacy with your partner.   Read the rest of this entry »

Take the lead…it’s your job!

How many times have you had this conversation with your partner?:

Her: “What would you like to do tonight, honey?”

Him: “I don’t know. What do you want to do?”

Her: “I don’t know. Whatever you want to do is fine.”

Him: “No, really, I want you to be happy. What ever you want is fine with me.”

Her: Ugh!!!

This all to familiar exchange seems benign enough to most men, but often is a source of frustration for women everywhere. Why? Because you are not doing your job as a man in the relationship: to lead.

Exchanges like this may be fine when they occur between friends, but they do not play out well between intimate partners. Friends naturally have a concern for fairness and the independence of each other, but the primary aspiration between intimate partners is not fairness or independence but rather sexual chemistry. Sexual chemistry is created out of the polarity between the masculine and the feminine and is required in order to maintain the spark and passion in the relationship.

As a man, by leading the interaction you are demonstrating the masculine side of this equation. It is this demonstration of masculinity that allows a woman to relax in your presence and be feminine. As a result the woman doesn’t have to take on any bit of the masculine role because she knows she’s in the presence of a real man, and thus sexual chemistry is ignited. This is true at all stages of the relationship, but it is especially important in the beginning stages of dating. In fact, leading is often what gets you the date in the first place.   Read the rest of this entry »